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Macros are some special functions that only have meaning in compile time, they're hints for Vine compiler to transform corresponding component properties.

The type definition of these macros can be found in our Github repo.


Define emits for the component, the usage is quite similar to the official version.

This macro has zero parameter, and returns the emits function, you must define a variable to accept the return value.

This type parameter's syntax is the same as Vue 3.3's more succinct one, check the official documentaion for more details.

const myEmits = vineEmits<{
  update: [foo: string, bar: number]

myEmits('update', 'foo', 1)


This macro's usage is just the same with the official defineExpose macro.

Check the description in corresponding secion on Vue.js official documentaion.


This macro's usage is just the same with the official defineSlots macro.

Check the description in corresponding secion on Vue.js official documentaion.


This macro only supports you to define 2 important Vue component options: name and inheritAttrs.

  name: 'MyComponent',
  inheritAttrs: false


It's a macro for defining styles, alternative to SFC's <style> block. If you need scoped for your component, you can use vineStyle.scoped instead.

vineStyle is not allowed to be called outside a VCF, and it's not allowed to be called more than once in a VCF.

You can also specify any CSS processor language you want, check the examples below:

  .foo {
    color: red;
    .bar {
      background: yellow;